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Cooperation as a key to success

Опубликован в: 29.03.2018


Success has many fathers or as with Meusburger a corporate culture which creates the best conditions for it: brief decision making processes, a 360 degree view for optimisation and a close network of different specialist departments.


To protect our moulding plates from scratches and slipping, anti-slip mats are placed between them. This small but important part for a long time was a necessity which was given little thought. Haptics or even appearance were secondary matters.

Until one day our customer WEBER Technik came up with an interesting proposal: to produce the anti-slip mats previously used for the dispatch from thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) and with our logo. In cooperation with the Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences (Germany) and the expert for processing of plastics professor Peter Karlinger, the suitable plastic was determined and the surface texture optimised.

The advantages of the new anti-slip mats are indisputable and there was great enthusiasm for the new mats in all specialist departments (Purchasing, Logistics and Product Management): the new design with our Meusburger logo as well as the material features met our expectations and all subsequent extensive practice tests were positive.

We can now share the result of this cooperation with our customers: WEBER Technik is now also our supplier – namely supplier of anti-slip mats which uniquely stand out by their appearance.


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