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Carrinho de compras {{ (warenkorbCtrl.warenkorb.bestellNummer ? (' [' + warenkorbCtrl.warenkorb.bestellNummer + '] ') : '' )}} | {{warenkorbCtrl.warenkorb.items.length}} Artigos   Mudar carrinhos de compras


Imagem Artigos Unid. Preço individual Preço total Preço total, incl. desconto

{{warenkorbItem.bezeichnung | artikelBezFilter:warenkorbItem.attributwertEingaben:[{attrPrefix: 'L_', searchPattern: '/...', replacePrefix: '/', replaceSuffix: ''}] }} {{warenkorbItem.bezeichnung | artikelBezFilter:warenkorbItem.attributwertEingaben}}





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Search, find, win

Publicado em: 14.03.2023

Tell us how many components you spot in the picture (click to enlarge) and with a bit of luck

  • you could win snacks for your entire team.

Just fill out the form below and answer the questions. 3 lucky participants will win snacks for up to 50 people, personally delivered by us. The competition ends on 31 March 2023.

Custom-made components

If standard doesn’t work for you, we also offer many components in custom designs. Take advantage of a fast offer as well as a short ordering process even for non standard items.

Learn more

Preencha todos os campos obrigatórios
Preencha todos os campos obrigatórios
Preencha todos os campos obrigatórios
Preencha todos os campos obrigatórios
Preencha todos os campos obrigatórios
Preencha todos os campos obrigatórios
Preencha todos os campos obrigatórios
Preencha todos os campos obrigatórios
Preencha todos os campos obrigatórios

* Required fields

** Terms and conditions of participation:

- To participate, the form must be filled out correctly.

- Multiple entries are allowed, but only the last form submitted will be scored.

- The deadline for participation is 31.03.2023. The draw will take place in calendar week 14, the winners will be contacted.

- All companies in mould, die, and jigs and fixtures construction are eligible to participate.

- Competition results are final and cannot be contested.

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Now the new ‘My account’ also gives you a direct insight into the next level of the Meusburger portal. Check out all the information and benefits of the portal here.

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